
We proudly present our new logo of kennel Uwanja’s. Thank you very much Katrien Van Schuylenbergh for your great work and beautiful design.
Uwanja's Baker Body And Soul "Winda x Cataraqui Pride Of De Kaap "Arlo".
Puppies was born 3.2.2021.
Happy to inform that Winda has been give birth 6 male and 5 bitch.
Unfortunately we lost one perfect bitch puppy.
Winda and her puppies doing fine.
Winda is a great and caring dam to her puppies.
Onnellisina ilmoitamme että
Uwanja's Baker Body And Soul "Winda" x Cataraqui Pride Of De Kaap "Arlo"
pennut syntyivät 3.2.2021.
Winda synnytti 6 urosta ja 5 narttua.
Valitettavasti menetimme yhden hienon narttu pennun.
Winda ja pennut voivat hyvin.
Winda on hieno ja huolehtivainen emo pennuilleen.
We proudly present our Uwanja's litter plan for early spring 2021.
Uwanja's Baker Body And Soul "Winda x Cataraqui Pride Of De Kaap "Arlo".
Mating took place 6.12.2020.
If everything goes well puppies will born first week of Feberuary.
If you are interested in our puppies, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Ylpeänä ilmoitamme että Uwanja's Baker Body And Soul "Winda"
on astutettu 6.12.2020 komealla Cataraqui Pride of De Kaap "Arlo.lla"
Jos kaikki menee niin kuin on suunniteltu pennut syntyisivät 2021 Helmikuun ensimmäisellä viikolla.
Jos olet kiinnostunut tulevista pennuistamme, niin ota ystävällisesti yhteyttä meihin.

Sanna Alho ja Uwanja's Kamaria"Halla" (Kiara x Klever) suorittivat tänään hyväksytysti Palveluskoiraliiton kansallisen
pelastuskoirakokeen PEKO-T.n (hallinta, jälki ja haku).
Kirsikkana kakun päällä.
Halla on ensimmäinen Rhodesiankoira Suomessa joka on läpäissyt tuon vaativan kokeen.
Me ollaan niin ylpeitä teistä Sanna ja Halla!
Kuva: Sanna Alho
Great News !!
Uwanja's Baker Body and Soul "Winda" is now officially x-rayed with great results:
Winda on nyt viralliseti röntgenkuvattu hienoin tuloksin:
Kyynärnivelet ED: 0/0
Lonkkanivelet HD: A/A
Selän spondyloosi: SP0 (puhdas/clear)
Välimuotoinen lanne-ristinikama: LTV0 (normaali)
Nikamien epämuotoisuus: VA0 (normaali)

Rhodesiankoirien Maastomestaruus RR LC Championship-2019 (RRMM2019) Kankaanpää.Virallinen luokka/ Official class:
Uwanja’s Bubba Ray Yates ”Yallu” become 1st: points 238 + 252 = 490 LC. CAC. and RRMM-2019 title wohooo!!!
Big Congratulations Jenna,Sami and Yallu.
We are so proud of you.
Uwanja’s Bubba Ray Yates ”Yallu”
Voitti Suomen mestaruuden Rhodesiankoirien maastojuoksussa Kankaanpäässä.
Tämä oli Yallun ensimmäinen virallinen juoksukilpailu pistein 238 + 252 = 490 ja sertin ja palkittiin RRMM2019 tittelillä.
Paljon onnea Jenna ja Sami Yallun hienoista juoksuista.
Me ollaan niin ylpeitä teistä.

15.6.2019 Rhodesiankoirien Maastomestaruus RR LC Championship -2019 (RRMM-2019), Kankaanpää.
Virallinen luokka/ Official class:
RRMM-2019 Uwanja’s Bubba Ray Yates ”Yallu” 1st. 238 + 252 = 490 points LC CAC. Uwanja’s Baker Body and Soul”Winda” 3th. 232+ 244= 476 points LC CAC. Uwanja’s Bono ”Bono” 9th. 229+218 = 447 points.
Uwanja’s Blinky Coco ”Coco” 16th. 126 points
Future Promise class / unofficial class:
Uwanja’s Jelani Yaro ”Yaro” 12th. 231 points.
”Höntsy” class / unofficial class:
Uwanja’s Kijani ”Tyson” 7th. 219 points.
Big congratulations to Yallu’s owners it was awesome win with first LC CaC. and also first LC CaC. to his sister Winda.
Thank you to you all!!
We are so happy and proud.
Paljon onnea vielä tätäkin kautta Uwanja’s tiimiläisille.
ISO Kiitos teille ihanat Birke Milka Akusti Jenna Pinja Kati
aktiivisuudesta koirien kanssa.
Oli hienoa kun niin moni oli ilmoitettu
tähän hienosti järjestettyyn tapahtumaan.
Yallun upea voitto ja Windan
kolmas sija tuntui niin hienolta että kyyneleittä ei taas selvinnyt
palkintojen jaossa.
Hienoja tuloksia ja hienoja juoksijoita kaikki ja
yhdelle hyväksytysti suoritettu koejuoksu mistä on hyvä jatkaa.
kaikille hyvistä piknik herkuista ja erityisesti hyvästä seurasta pitkä mutta mukava päivä KIITOS!!

8.6.2019 RotuRace LC Hyvinkää.
Team Uwanja’s "Taivas varjele mitä
sieltä tulee"
Menossa mukana Bono, Winda, Yallu, Coco.
Team Uwanja's ryhmän sijoitus 2/22.
(Tapahtumaan osallistui 88 koiraa, jokaisessa joukkueessa oli 4 koiraa).
Kiitos kaikille
mukavasta päivästä!

Uwanja's Baker Body And Soul "Wnda" ,
voitti Rhodesiankoirien maastojuoksun (RRMM) Tulevaisuuden Lupaus 2018 tittelin.
Winner of Tulevaisuudenlupaus2018 LC, Mustiala 15.9.2018.
photo: Pekka Elkelä,
15.8.2018. Litter 2018 (Kila x Boy) family pictures added to litter pages

Great news!!
6.5.2016. Uwanja's Lakeisha "Lempi" passed BH test (behavioral) which is a preliminary test of service dogs.
Big Congratulations Nina and Lempi.
We are so proud of you two.
Uwanja's Lakeisha "Lempi" läpäisi tänään BH kokeen (käyttäytymiskoe) joka on palveluskoirien esikoe.
Isot Onnitelut Nina ja Lempi.
Me ollaan niin ylpeitä teistä.

Great news!!
Litter 2018 Kila x Boy was born 3.5.2018.
Kila and her puppies doing fine!!
10 puppies (7 male and 3 female puppy)All have ridges
More info Next Litter page LINK

17.2.2018. Puppy show, Lahti.
Uwanja's Baker Body and Soul "Winda" HP, BOB Group 4. Uwanja's Bono "Bono" HP, BOS.
Uwanja's Buddy Holly Learning the Game "Buddy" HP.
Judge: Tuula Savolainen.
Group judge: Pirjo Aaltonen

Yesterday 16.12.2017. we had our kennel Uwanja's annual Christmas walk in the city of Helsinki.
Brave dogs and happy owners, we are so proud of you all.
We got a lot of attention, people came to talk and asked about the breed.
We made our own photo shooting place in the empty booth on the Tuomas Marketplace and we were like movie stars when people were filmed us.
We stop enjoy the good company and mulled wine with pastries near the beautiful Helsinki Cathedral.
Big thank you Akusti for photo shooting.
Thanks to all participants for a wonderful walk.

10.12.2017. Voittaja Puppy Show 2017, Helsinki.
Uwanja's Buddy Holly Learning The Game "Buddy" 5 month old, BOB, Group4 with HP.
Congratulations to owner Jessica Ehrnsten and Buddy we are so proud of you both.

10.12.2017. Voittaja Puppy Show 2017, Helsinki.
Uwanja's Buddy Holly Learning The Game "Buddy" 5 month old, BOB, Group4 with HP.
Uwanja's Baker Body and Soul "Winda" 5 month old, BOS with HP.
Judge, Jaana Hartus, FIN

19.11.2017. Bono with lure
Today we spent the kennel day of Uwanja's kennel.
In the program was lure coursing with Mr. Tommi Mielonen's guidance and
Service Dog human search and of course good food with great company and skillful dogs.
Thanks to all the participants you are awesome.
Thanks to Päivi for pictures.

Uwanja's litter 2017 was born 24.6.2017.
Afia and her puppies (3 male and 6 female) are doing fine.
We proudly present our
Uwanja's litter plan for spring 2017.
Uwanja's Dafina Amira Afia "Afia x Rayridge Jared Boleyd "Boy".
If you are interested in our
puppies, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Jos olet kiinnostunut tulevista pennuistamme, niin ota ystävällisesti yhteyttä meihin.
Great news.
Now two beautiful Uwanja's girls have x-rayed with great results
(Lynnard x Kiara)
ED 0/0,
Lumbosacral transitional vertebra, LTV0 (normal)
Spondylosis, SP0 (free)
Vertebral anomaly, VA0 (normal).
ED 0/0,
Lumbosacral transitional vertebra, LTV0 (normal)
Spondylosis, SP0 (free)
Vertebral anomaly, VA0 (normal).
We are so happy and proud.
We have a litter plan for
2017, which will soon publish.
Meillä on pentue suunnitelma 2017, jonka
julkaisemme piakkoin.
email: jarifalt(at) huom./note----> (at) = @
Afia osallistui Herttoniemen mätsäriin ja oli hienosti koko näyttelyn toiseksiparas BIS2.
Great news.
7.5.2016. Uwanja's Kamaria "Halla" passed BH test (behavioral),
whichis a preliminary test of service dogs.
Big Congratulations Sanna ja Halla.
Hienoja uutisia.
Uwanja's Kamaria "Halla" läpäisi tänään BH kokeen (käyttäytymiskoe)
joka on palveluskoirien esikoe.
Isot Onnitelut Halla ja Sanna.
28.2.2016. Afia ja Kiara osallistui petotestiin. (Kiara Karhu ja Afia Ilves) ja hienosti meni.
Afia participate in the test machine lynx and Kiara with
machine Bear and they done great job.
15.11.2015. We had a very nice Rescue Working Dog training day in Lohja.
Thank you Sini Sarjokoski and SRB for lovely day.
27.10.2015. We had a very nice lure coursing training day in Köyliö.
Thank you J-P, Kaisa and Tommi.
11.7.2015. Uwanja's Ludo Lafayette "Ludo" 8 months.
Laukaa All-Breed Show.
BOB-puppy with HP.
Judge: Vitor Veiga, Portugal.
Excellent head, eyes, teeth, pigmentation, neck
& top line & tail and correct angulations. Not enough chest yet, correct movements.
Congratulations team Ludo.
We are so proud of you all.
28.6.2015. Raasepori/Karjaa AllBreed Dogshow Puppy-class.
(Lynnard x Kiara)
Uwanja's LaShawn "Kastor" BOB, with HP.
Uwanja's Lakeisha "Lempi" BOS with HP.
Uwanja's Lucky Luke "Körri" HP.
Judge: Jelena Kruus Estonia
We are so proud of you all.
What a great news from
Mikkeli RR Lure Coursing Championship competition.
Kiara x Klever:Uwanja's Kamaria "Halla" Official Class was 10th with 405 points and
this was her first official trial, so great runs.
Uwanja's Kijani "Tyson" unofficial class won, with honorprize with
251 points (best points the whole competition).
Very nice start of his career.
Rudo x Djimba:
Mbwasimba Mpenzi Wasifu "Penzi" unofficial class 3rd,
Mbwasimba Milele Wendy " Wendy" unofficial class was 8th
Big congratulations to all of you.
We are so happy and proud
17.5.2015.Tuomarinkartano Puppy DogShow.
(Lynnard x Kiara)
Uwanja's LaShawn "Kastor" BOB, BIG-3 with HP.
Uwanja's Lakeisha "Lempi" BOS with HP.
Uwanja's Lucky Luke "Körri" HP.
Uwanja's Lobeke Lorenzo "Enzo".
Kennel Uwanja's BOB breeder with HP.
Judge: Rune Fagerström
Thank you all for this lovely day.
We are so happy and proud of you all.
18.4.2015 Uwanja's päivää vietettiin verijäljen, vieheenvedon, yhteislenkinnäyttelyharjoituksen,
syömisen ja mukavan jutustelun merkeissä.
Iso kiitos kaikille mukana olleille mukavasta päivästä.
Erityiskiitosvieheenvedosta Tommille, pennut ja isommatkin kiittävät.
Mukana: Sanna & Halla, Anne, Sini Olli & Enzo Mauno, Nina Hannu & Lempi, Linda Micke & Kody Kastor,
Elina lapset & Maya, Pinja PatePäivi lapset & Tyson, Jari Minna & Nala Kiara Afia, Tapio Päivi &Körri Riia,
Marjatta & Kila, Birke & Nensi, Aki & Kabo.
Great news!!
22.3.2015. Uwanja's Kamaria "Halla" (16month old) was approved and got involved in the rescue dog training group.
Halla attended Pirkanmaa Rescue Dog test.
They test dogs, which dog can participate in the the beginner's course and in the future real activities (human rescue).
These qualifiers held only once a year and only a few dogs passes through the qualifiers.
Participants were more than40 dogs.
Mostly there was the German Shepherd, Border Terrier and BorderCollies, Labradors, Beauceron, rotweiler and other working dog breeds.
The dogs were divided into small groups and tests were carried out by in sections.
There were test how the dog playing with an unknown man.
Halla was inspired by a good bet to play with the tester.
Different type of climbing the ruins buildings, walking to various substrates,a variety of obstacles and crossing,
together with the owner.
There were alsothe owner interview. They also testing do the dog find a lost person.
The lasttest but not least was obedience.
The weather was really cold and windy, which did not bother her, even the testlasted a total of 3 hours.
Congratulation team Halla you did it!!
We are so proud of you all!!
9.9.2014. Uwanja's RaAtum"Ra" On the Top Twenty Five at National Spesialty 2014, .
Once again he showed very well and made it through to the 4th cut of dogs.
We are very proud of this boy!!
Big congratulations team Ra.
We are so proud of you all!!
Hienoja uutisia!!
Kauniit pennut syntyivät 9.11.2014.
8 pentua, 4 urosta ja 4 narttua.
Kiara äiti ja pennut voivat hyvin.
Kiara on upea huolehtivainen äiti pennuille.Olemme niin ylpeitäKiara äidistä
Great news!!
The beautiful puppies were born 09.11.2014.
8 puppies, 4 males and 4 females.
Kiara's mother and pups are doing well.
Kiara are super great mother, we are so proud of her.
1.11.2014 Uwanja's Pentupäivä ja samalla kesäkauden lopetus.
Ohjelmassa oli pk-haku, yhteislenkkiä, grillailua ja
chillailua ja herkuilla herkuttelua.
Kiitos teille kaikille mukana olleille, te teitte tästä päivästä mahtavan.
Uwanja's Puppy Day at the same time we celebrated the end of the summer season.
The program included a human
search, walk with the dogs in
the forest, barbeque and chilling delights and gourmet food.
Thank you to all of you who have been involved, you made this day a great!
22.9.2014 Uwanja's Dafina Amira Afia "Afia" viralliset lonkka-, kyynärtulokset ja myös selkä tulokset:
Lonkat A/B.
Kyynäret 0/0.
Välimuotoinen lanne-ristinikama: LTV0 (normaali)
Selän spondyloosi: SP0 (puhdas)
Nikamien epämuotoisuus: VA0 (normaali)
Official hips-, elbows and Spine/Back x-ray results of Afia:
Hips A/B.
Elbows 0/0.
Lumbosacral transitional vertebra: LTV0 (normal)
Spondylosis: SP0 (free)
Vertebral anomaly:
VA0 (normal)
We are proud and happy.
6.8.2014. RR-Specialty show 2014.
BOS-puppy Uwanja's Kosey "Lino".
BOB-puppy Aries Khan Margaret Tatcher of Lumottu.
Judge: Orit Nevo.
Congratulation to team Lino!!
We are so proud of you all
Uwanja’s RaAtum “Ra” Four days weekend of showing, in Denver, Colorado.
Ra was Best of Breed 2 days and he also won a Hound Group 4 and a Hound Group 2 and
one day he was Best of Opposite Sex.
Congratulation to team Ra, Kathleen and Mark.
Great news from New Mexico.
Uwanja’s RaAtum “Ra” winning Eukanuba Owner/Handler Final Series.
Now he are starting the new season.
We are still very excited for the honor Ra won and we are looking forward to 2014.
Ra ended up number 21 in the nation which is pretty good since he did not show 2013 very much.
This year 2014, he started really well.
Last weekend Ra in Hobbs, New Mexico he was Best of Breed both days and won a Group 4 on Sunday.
We are so happy!!
Kennel Uwanja's litter 2013 (Kiara x Klever) was born yesterday 30.11.2013.
All went well and 11 beautiful puppies (3 ridgeless) were born.
5 males (2 liver) and 6 females (5 liver). No DS found at the moment.
Kiara is a great mother and care for her puppies well.
We are so proud of her and also her fiance Klever.
Kennel Uwanja's pentue syntyi eilen 30.11.2013.
Kaikki meni hyvin ja 11 kaunista pentua syntyi joista 3.lla ei ollut ridgeä.
5 urosta (2 maksakuono) ja 6 narttua (5 maksakuonoa). DS ei ole löytynyt.
Kiara on hieno äiti ja hoitaa pentujaan hienosti.
Olemme niin ylpeitä Kiarasta ja hänen sulhasestaan Kleveristä.
We will have puppies!! Kiara has been confirmed pregnant.
At least 8 little ones.
Saamme pentuja!! Kiara on ultrattu ja todettu
Ainakin 8 pennun alkua näkyi kuvissa.
Danish Spesiality, Billund Denmark.
SE UCH, FI UCH SE VCH Djungelkattens K-nineridged Klever "Klever"
BM2 with CAC. Now he is also DK CH and NordCH!!!
Kleves nice critique:
3 years, levernose,
excellent type and good size,
excellent maskulin head, good ears, eyes and bite, strong neck,
enough lay back of shoulder, good upperarm, good chest, strong back,
excellent croup, good angulation and rear, very good bones and feet,
excellent musculature condition, good coat structure and ridge,
very good temperament, moves well, nice presentation.
Judge: Jan Coppens, Holland.
Blogia päivitetty.
Great news from New Mexico!!
Uwanja's RaAtum "Ra"
was at the Alamogordo DogShow, NM. 4 days of showing.
He was Select dog 3 days, Best of Breed one day and
went on to win a Group 1.
But he also won the Owner/Handler Best Ridgeback,
Owner/Handler Group 1 and
Owner/Handler Best in Show !!.
Then cherry on the cake, the news that
Ra is the #1 Owner/Handled Ridgeback in the Nation and
he are again invited to the AKC/Eukanuba National finals in December
in Florida.
This time for the Owner/Handled series!
Congratulations team Ra, Well done!!
Klever x Kiara mating took place last weekend 28.-29.9.2013 in Sweden.
Now all fingers cross that everything goes well and we have puppies.
We had also opportunity to visit Swedish dog lure coursing event.
There was so nice atmosphere, nice people and dogs, we really enjoyed.
Thanks to owners of Klever Madelaine and Kjell your hospitality,
we had very nice weekend!
Kiara astutettiin Kleverillä viime
viikonloppuna 28.-29.9.2013 Ruotsissa.
Lyhyen tutustumisen jälkeen heidän kemiat kohtasivat ja
Kiara ja Klever tiesivät mitä pitää tehdä ja kaikki sujui mallikkaasti.
Nyt kaikki sormet ristiin että kaikki menee hyvin ja saamme nauttia ihanasta pentujen tuoksusta.
Saimme Ruotsissa ollessamme kutsun paikalliseen rhodesiankoirien ratajuoksu tapahtumaan,
tuota kutsua emme voineet vastustaa.
Siellä saimme nauttia mukavasta ilmapiiristä ja mukavista ihmisistä ja koirista.
Kiitoksia Kleverin omistajille Madelainelle ja Kjellille vieraanvaraisuudestanne,
Meillä oli todella mukava viikonloppu!
10.9.2013.Great News from New Mexico, USA!
Uwanja's Raatum "Ra" was in the show ring this weekend!
He had a great weekend!
On saturday Ra was Best of Breed.
Bob (Ra's son) took the male points and went on to be Best of Winners.
Hellza took the girl points.
Then on Sunday Ra was Best of Breed again!
Bob was Reserve Winners Dog.
Maya (Ra's daughter) took the girl points.
Congatulations Kathleen and Mark, well done.
Uwanja's Rock "Diego" was in All breed Dogshow at Vantaa,
Open Exc1 CQ with Res.CAC.
judge Tino Pehar (Kroatia).
Diego was so happy dog with Mira.
It was so enjoyable to watch.
Congratulations to Rock's owners Mira and Ode.
Uwanja's Rock "Diego" Kaikkien Rotujen Näyttelyssä, Vantaalla.
Diego palkittiin erinomaisella "ERI" ja hän voitti avoimen luokan ja ansaitsi vara-sertin.
Heidän meno oli nautittavaa katsoa ja kuten aina Diego oli iloinen oma itsensä.
Onnea Diego ja Mira.
Uwanja's Remo, Uwanja's Rundu, Uwanja's Rock and Uwanja's Ruby are now
Mentaltested and they did great!!
We are so proud of you all.
Uwanja's Remo, Uwanja's Rundu, Uwanja's Rock ja Uwanja's Ruby,
On nyt MH luonne-kuvattu
Rhodesiankoira yhdistyksen luonnekuvaus viikonloppuna ja hienosti meni.
Olemme ylpeitä teistä kaikista.-
Lahti (Hollola) Group Dog Show.
FICH Uwanja’s Ruby “Kiara”CH EXC1 CQ BB2.
Judge, Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen
Lappeenranta All Breed Dog Show.
FICH Uwanja’s Ruby “Kiara”
Uwanja's Dafina Amira Afia "Afia"
Starts her Show career with Jun EXC.
Judge was, Tuula Savolainen-
Uwanja's Ruby"Kiara"
Passed breeding examination by RR-club of Finland with result Excellent.
Uwanjas Ruby "Kiara" läpäisi Suomen
Ridgeback yhdistyksen
Jalostus-/Ulkomuototarkastuksen tuloksella Erinomainen.
Our kennel Uwanja's logo released today.
Now we have tested Uwanja's Ruby "Kiara" of
Degenerative Myelopathy "DM" by OFA and she got results: CLEAR.
Now it's official.
Uwanja's Litter 2010.
Inanda Mellberg Edelrood "Rod" x Athena "Nala"
X-Ray results of 8/8 puppies:
Elbow: 7 x 0/0, 1 x Normal
Hips: 4 x A/A, 1 x Good, 1 x A/B, 2 x B/B.
Back/Spinal 6 x OK Clear, 2 x No back X-ray photo".
OCD: 8 x free
We are so proud of this litter !!!
Happy New Year 2013 to you all !!
The New Year 2013 start with nice news.
Ra will be going to the Westminster, New York in February!!!
We are very excited.
He ended up Nationally ranked at number 17. last year 2012.
"Pretty good for a dog that did not show every weekend of the year".
We are so proud of you all.
PuppyDogShow. Helsinki.
Uwanja's Dafina Amira Afia "Afia"
BOB with HP.
This was her first time on DogShow,
Thanks to the judge Paula Rekiranta.
Group dogshow,Yppäri.
Uwanja's Rundu. Open Exc1, CQ, BOB, CAC,
He needs only five show to done that, WOW!!
Congratulations to team Rundu.
We are so proud of you all.
National all breed dogshow, Helsinki.
(Inanda Mellberg Edelrood "Rod" x Athena "Nala") Uwanja's Ruby "Kiara",
Thank you Jenni Matilda Fält for handling.
Thanks to the judge Juha Putkonen, Finland,
and our friends for all support of this wonderful young girl !!
We are so proud of these young ladies.
The newest member of our Uwanja’s pack,
Nala's daughter and sister of Kiara,
little princess got an official name.
He received this on May 26, 2012. Being handled by Mike Blanchard.
He is now on his way to Silver Grand Championship.
Congratulations to owners Kathleen, Mark and handler Mike.
International dog show, Aptus, Helsinki KV.
Uwanja's Ruby "Kiara", Exc1, BB2, CAC, Res-CACIB.
Thank you Jenni Matilda Fält for handling.
Thanks to the Judge, Glenway Dymock, Australia,
and our friends for all support of this wonderful young girl !!
14.6.2012.Grandmother Athena "Nala" is proud of these kids.
Ra / Em puppies at the Fun Match on Friday night.
Tia won her class (out of 7 bitches) and close behind her were Lila with a 3rd and Maya was 4th.
Raj won his class (out of 5 dogs).
Raj and Tia went head to head for Best of Breed Puppy.
Tia was Best of Breed and Raj was Best of Opposite.
Tia then went on to win a 2nd in the Puppy Hound Group.
Congratulations to all, well done!
Ra's weekend in Casper, Wyoming with handler Mike.
There were four days of shows.
Ra's results, 4 x Best of Breed wins.
He made the cuts in the Groups on Friday and Saturday.
On Sunday he got a Group 2 and Monday he got a Group 3.
Congratulations to Kathleen, Mark and handler Mike.
RA was showed at the:
Albuquerque, New Mexico and Cortez KC, Durango, CO.
1 x Best of Breed, 3 x Best of Oppisite and 3 x Select Male.
Congratulations to Kathleen and Mark.
Today in Pietarsaari Group show.
Uwanja's Rundu, Exc1, CQ, CAC, BOB.
It was his third show and his second CAC.
Big congratulations to the owner Pauliina Ehnqvist-Brännbacka and Handler Selina Saimala.
We are so proud of you all.
Tänään Pietarsaaren ryhmänäyttelyssä.
Uwanja's Rundu, ERI1, SA, Sert, ROP.
Tämä oli hänen 3 näyttely ja 2 serti.
Isot onnittelut omistaja Pauliinalle ja handleri Selina Saimalalle.
Me olemme niin ylpeitä teistä kaikista.
1 x BOB, 3 x SEL.
Last weekend 20.-23.04.2012.
Bossier City LA.
Congratulations to Kathleen and Mark.
Uwanja's RAAtum "Ra" won Best of Breed yesterday,
Terry All KC, Brighton, CO.
Congratulations to Kathleen, Mark and Michael.
Artikkelia Rhodesiankoirat Suomessa täydennetty.
Uwanja's Litter 2010.
Inanda Mellberg Edelrood "Rod" x Athena "Nala"
X-ray results of 7/8 puppies:
Elbow: 7 x 0/0,
Hips: 4 x A/A, 1 x A/B, 1 x BB
Back 6 x OK Clear, 1 x No back X-ray photo".
OCD: 7 x free
Seinäjoki KV "International dog show"
Uwanja's Ruby "Kiara" BOS with CAC and CACIB. 18 months.
Bob was Tarujen Penzi "Zorro"
Thanks to the judge Leni Finne and our friends for all support of this wonderful young girl !!
Nala’s x Rod’s son.
Ch Uwanja's RAAtum "RA" is back home now with his GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP !!
He were the Rhodesian Ridgeback National Specialties in
Rapid City, South Dakota.
There were over 130 Champion ridgebacks
trying to win the Best in Specialty Show title.
I am proud to say that Ra stayed in through the 4th cut.
So he was with the last of the 30 male dogs.
Ra was the youngest dog competing at 17 months
the next youngest was 28 months.
This weekend, he was in Colorado and he won
Best of Breed both days! and in the Hound Group
he was in the top cut of 6 dogs both days.
Big congratulations to owners Kathleen and Mark.
We are proud of you all.
Uwanja's Rudolf 17 months.
Porvoo, dog show.
Jun. class EXC2, CQ and RES-CAC, handler Bilonda Otema.
We are so proud of you all.
Big congratulations to owners Kaisa and Aki.
Uwanja's Rundu.
Pietarsaaren ryhmänäyttely.
JunEri1, SA, PU1, SERT, ROP, RYP3.
Uwanja's Rundu 18.6.2011. in Pietarsaari groupshow.
Tuomari / Judge Åke Cronander in Sweden.
Big congratulations to owner Pauliina and Erik.
Big Day !!!
Our kennel's Uwanja's first Champion.
Uwanja's RAAtum "RA". BOB, Group 4 and NEW AKC CH !!!
at the Kennel Club Dog show in Garden City, Kansas.
12.3.2011 and 13.3.2011. He was BOB again.
Big congratulations to owners Kathleen and Mark.
Uwanja's meeting 25.7.2010 photos added to gallery.
8.7.2010.Uwanja's kennel name is now official !!