Shangani Denga Windo of Lionsriver "Denga"
Athena "Nala"

Athena "Nala"
Syntynyt/ DOB, 5.3.2007. Pietarsaari, Finland
Height: 64 cm
Weight: 36 kg
Lonkkanivel / Hips: A/A
Kyynärnivel / Elbows: 0/0
Selkä/ Back: OK
EOAD: High confidence: CLEAR
JME (Myoclonic epilepsy): CLEAR
Mental tested/ Luonne kuvattu
Teeth: Correct scissorbite
Gunshot proof
BH (Obedience behaviour test): Passed
Kasvattaja/ Breeder: Malena Flink, Finland
Shangani Denga Windo of Lionsriver "Denga"
Int.Ch. World Junior Winner 2009. CRUFTS Qualifikation 2011 Birth Date: 30.04.2008
Lives in South Africa
Height: 69 cm
Hips: HD A
Elbows: ED 0
OCD free
Eyes test: OK
Dilute: DD
Teeth: Correct scissorbite
Gunshot proof
Breeding examination: 15.12.2009
Owner: Michael and Susanne Psiuk
Breeder: Wolfgang Blumberg (France)